The demand for qualified overhead lineworkers is strong and driven by several factors:
To meet the forecast skills shortage and compliance requirements, many career lineworkers who hold either no formal qualifications or older style craft and proficiency Certificates will require Recognition of Prior Learning and gap training to achieve the modern qualification. New entrants will need access to apprenticeship programs which rely on solid collaboration between Employers and education providers.
Our role
Thomson Bridge is a leader in the delivery of training pathways for overhead lineworkers working across transmission, distribution, rail and cable jointing who are requited to hold a modern Certificate III ESI Power Systems qualification in order meet the licensing requirements to work.
Our goal is to offer high-quality programs that students and Employers can trust, that are
- aligned to industry and workforce needs;
- based on a modern approach to gaining a Qualification that is effective and flexible for today's learners and their Employer; and
- building competence through mentoring and quality on-the-job experiences during the programs.
Programs are crafted to accommodate the specific requirements of each cohort and incorporate instructor led class room and virtual theory, self paced study and virtual tutorials, practical workshops, verification of competency and on-the-job experience evidenced by eLogBooks.
Our program pathways include:
Our ESI qualifications include:
Thomson Bridge is proud to be offering Certificate III in ESI programs to the staff of Owners and Contractors across the rail, transmission and distribution sectors in all States. Our ESI Program Managers have extensive knowledge of these industries and design courses to meet individual workers' needs.