Our Learning Management System is called The Bridge. This platform provides:
Certification Management enabling you to define learning frameworks and skill sets specific to a company, group or team and management of people’s compliance to this framework.
Contractor management functionality enables a company to upload the records of a nominated work party and immediately demonstrate compliance against the skills and authorisations required to work on your asset, network or project.
Training History by storing and reporting on individual training attendance and certificates.
Reporting to ensure workforce compliance and management to training needs.
Mobile phone App to enable each employee to easily access and display records and compliance against required skill sets.
Host training and induction services on behalf of our clients which includes online enrolment, self paced learning and automated certification.
Incorporate a wide range of content including AI Adaptive Learning, PowerPoint, images, animation, video and software scenario simulation content that can be deployed using a variety of classroom and virtual modes.
Offer several assessment modes such as observation checklists, online quizzes and short answer modes and long form paper based.
A customisable electronic logbook to record and validate work experiences and evidence, providing both the trainee and supervisors with immediate visibility of course progress via their smart devices.