Transmission & Distribution

Power System Operations

Globally, energy landscapes are experiencing unprecedented change, driven by an evolving power supply mix, ageing infrastructure, changing technologies, weather patterns, and consumer preferences.

RelyOn Australia is working with local and international Power Systems Operators and power grid specialists to understand these challenges and develop agile training programs.

Our goal is to provide operators with an effective learning environment to improve and enhance knowledge and confidence that will underpin system efficiency, reliability, security and safety of the electricity network.

Our Courses will provide foundation, intermediatory and advanced levels of competency and skill development. Programs are intended to be modular and adapted to meet the various and evolving needs of transmission and distribution networks and energy generators.

Training delivery modes include online self-paced modules and instructor facilitated workshops and multi party scenarios. 

Power Systems Operator
National Training Framework

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), in partnership with RelyOn Australia, have consulted widely with Australia’s Power System Operators (PSOs) to produce a National Training Framework specifically focused on meeting the training needs of practitioners operating across Australia’s increasingly complex PowerGrid.

Broadly, the findings concluded that industry is seeking a modular “pick and choose” option rather than a full curriculum.

Modules were identified to meet transmission, distribution and generation needs to cater for PowerGrid practitioners operating at various technical levels. Topics will include electrical fundamentals, human factors, coordination and contingency management, fault diagnosis, risk management for significant weather events and cybersecurity attacks.

The Framework is designed to complement existing training options including various nationally recognised training packages.

Phase 2 will provide opportunities for education providers to develop modules and offer these to operators across the PowerGrid, including PSOs in network control rooms as well as generators interfacing with both the networks and AEMO. Phases 3 and 4 will see the development of the full suite of offerings and embedding of the Framework across the industry.

Below is the initial Framework Design.

Project Report Power Systems Operators


Power Systems Operations proposed modules


1.1 Australian Networks and Elements of Electrical Power Systems.

1.2 Renewables and Emerging Technologies.

1.3 Communication Technologies.

1.4. Legislation and Regulation Overview.

1.5. Electrical Fundamentals - DC.

1.6. Electrical Fundamentals - AC.

1.7. Electrical Fundamentals – Use drawings, schedules, codes,
and specification

1.8. Electrical Fundamentals -

1.9. Electrical Fundamentals - basic electrical
computational problems.

1.10. Electrical Fundamentals - Provide engineering solutions to problems in
complex polyphase power circuits.

1.11. Electrical Fundamentals – Electrical measurements

1.12. Protection Fundamentals

1.13. Switching Fundamentals

1.14. Management and coordination of work parties and field operators

1.15. Voltage Control and Reactive Power

1.16. Reliability Operating Limits and Reliability

1.17. Power Control and the Energy Market

1.18. Emergency Operations

1.19. Resource and Demand Balancing

1.20. Human Factors – Effective Communications

1.21. Human Factors – Fatigue and Fatigue Management

1.22. Human Factors – Human Machine Interface

1.23. Human Factors – Decision making and degradation factors







2.1 System Ride Through

2.2 Power System Disturbance and Contingency Response

2.3 Coordination

2.4 Power System Stability

2.5 Fault Finding and Management

2.6 Monitor and control field staff

2.7 Respond to protection operations

2.8 Develop switching programs

2.9 Operate and monitor system SCADA

3.1 System Ride Through

3.2 Power System Disturbance and Contingency

3.3 Coordination

3.4 Power System Stability

3.5 Fault Finding and Management

3.6 Transmission Operations

3.7 Monitor and control field staff

3.8 Respond to protection operations

3.9 Develop switching programs

3.10 Operate and monitor system SCADA

4.1 System Ride Through

4.2 Power System Disturbance and Contingency Response

4.3 Coordination

4.4 Energy Market Services

4.5 Fault Finding and Management

4.6 Monitor and control operations staff

4.7 Respond to protection operations

4.8 Operate and monitor generation system




5.1 Synchrophases

5.2 Transmission Planning

5.3 Facilities Design, Connections and

5.4 Power System Simulation

5.5 Power System Restoration

5.6 Cyber Infrastructure and Security

5.7 Respond to complex protection

5.8 Lead and coordinate a control room

5.9 Transmission Congestion

6.1 Power System Simulation

6.2 Power System Restoration

6.3 Cyber Infrastructure and Security

6.4 Respond to complex protection operations

6.5 Lead and coordinate a control room

6.6 Design and interface of Distributed Energy
Resources on the Distribution Network

7.1 Transmission Congestion

7.2 Power System Restoration

7.3 Cyber Infrastructure and Security

7.4 Respond to complex protection operations

7.5 Lead and coordinate a control room


Case Studies & Resources

ElectraNet South Australia

IncSys Partnership
Using software simulation for scenario and role based training

Designing agile training solutions for power systems control.

Upgrading Qualifications in the electrical supply industry

New Course
Power Systems Operations for Renewable Energy Generators

Building competency via practical foundation and scenario based training for effective communications with networks and AEMO.

TransGrid Partnership

Case Study
APA Upskilling Control Room Operators to interface with Networks & AEMO

Developing a bespoke program to upskill control room operators to interface with transmission network and AEMO control rooms.

Metro Trains Melbourne

Case Study
Network control rooms - assessing traditional & new approaches to skills development

AusNet Services (Victoria) is collaborating with RelyOn Australia to create a video library for Network Control Rooms, Generators and HV Customers.