Control Room Operations big

Power Systems Operations

Our goal is to provide Power Systems Operators with an effective learning environment to develop and enhance knowledge and build confidence that contributes to power grid reliability, security and safety during normal and abnormal situations. 

Our team of local and international practitioners has extensive network operational and training experience. We are developing Courses for foundation, intermediatory and advanced levels of competency and skill development. Programs are intended to be modular and adapted to meet the various and evolving needs of transmission and distribution networks and energy generators.

Training delivery modes include online self-paced modules and instructor facilitated workshops and multi party scenarios.  Programs incorporate power grid simulation to enable operators to experience normal, abnormal and emergency operation conditions without the risks of interacting with a live power system. 

Partnership with Incremental Systems Corporation (IncSys) and PowerData Corporation

RelyOn Australia has partnered with North American power grid simulation specialists, Incremental Systems Corporation (IncSys) and PowerData Corporation.

We are incorporating PowerSimulator® into our programs to enable scenario based training in an interactive environment for Power System Controllers and generator site supervisors. Drills can be undertaken where participants diagnose faults, develop restoration plans and role play the communication between generators, transmission, distribution and AEMO control room personnel.

Dynamic simulation models for fault diagnosis and restoration plans

Using PowerSimulator®, we can develop real time dynamic simulation modelling that shows how a generation asset interacts with inputs/output from your site and what effect that has on the site’s performance, the local network and the wider grid. 

IncSys and PowerData have 30 years of experience in the application of power grid simulators for training power system operators. Together, they have developed PowerSimulator®, the leading platform for simulations of large interconnections enabling single or multiple participants to play real-time roles of transmission operators, balancing operators, generator operators, substation operators and reliability coordinators. 

IncSys and PowerData have a long history of facilitating scenario-based workshops for large and small network operators. For example, in North America PJM Interconnection have used PowerSimulator™ since 2003 to support its annual System Operator workshop. In 2019, the workshop included more than 1,000 operators across several states where PowerSimulator® enabled contingency response and system restoration drills to put system operators’ knowledge to the test. 

PJM is a regional transmission organisation that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity across 13 states and serves more than 65 million people.

 incsys academy

power simulator

Workshops for Wind & Solar Energy Generators

Our PowerGrid courses for Wind and Solar Generators provide essential technical and operational knowledge for effective communications with transmission and distribution networks and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). Programs can include:

  • Regulations, responsibilities and obligations that renewable generators have to AEMO and the Energy regulator
  • Gaining an understanding of the effects your system has on the local and wider networks i.e. voltage and var control, system security, meeting your outputs per your bid profile
  • Manage critical events such as simultaneous single/multiple network faults, and storm events of various magnitudes. (This includes liaison procedures with multiple operating authorities. It also encompasses monitoring of safe access to the network and invoking crisis management procedures and mutual response plans)
  • Operate, monitor and control HV apparatus on the network via SCADA control
  • Co-ordinate and direct switching the HV and LV system on the electrical network (including coordinating switching between operating authorities)
Who should attend our programs?

Our programs are targeted to renewable plant/site managers who are monitoring their site electrically, and senior decision makers managing renewable portfolio assets. These programs can be tailored to accomodate a range of themes, operational scenarios and degree of technical complexity.