
Emergency Response Plans
Worksafe Australia requires that persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must ensure that an emergency plan is prepared for the workplace.An emergency plan is a written set of instructions that outlines what workers should do in an emergency, including the following:

Notifying emergency service organisations
Medical treatment and assistance
Effective communication between responders and all people at the workplace
Testing of the emergency procedures

We write Emergency Response Plans in line with your organisational and site-based policy and procedures and align to AS3745 -2010 Australian Standard for Planning for Emergencies in Facilities Evacuation procedures.

We can also train your workforce in emergency response, making sure each worker knows and understands their role in a stressful emergency situation, and have the knowledge and skills to perform key roles such as plant isolation, firefighting and first aid.
Our training programs include emergency scenario drills onsite to test plans and capability and are mapped to nationally accredited Units of Competency.
See our Emergency Response Training page for more information.  Click below to contact a client service team member:
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Safe Systems of Work
A safe system of work includes the procedures and processes to first eliminate, then minimise the hazards and risks in your workplace operations. Our Systems meet the needs of Australia's energy industry, are easy to use for construction and operating environments.

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Tailored Emergency Response training
Our training includes presentations, videos, hands-on circuit classes, written assessment and simulated emergency events designed to test and hone the core competencies and skills required for effective action under pressure.

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Asset Management Plans & Maintenance Procedures
Creating a framework to optimise cost, manage risk & underwrite asset reliability & performance of high voltage balance of plant 

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Safe Systems of Work

A Safe System of Work includes the procedures and processes you should have in place to first eliminate, then minimise the hazards and risks in your workplace operations.
Put simply, a Safe System of Work is a defined method of doing a job in a safe way.
We work with your engineers, technicians, site managers and WHS professionals to understand your processes and activities and ensure they are captured in easy to use documents. We use our solid understanding of regulatory environments for WHS and electrical safety to ensure your systems meet these requirements for compliance.
RelyOn Australia utilise the ISO55001 Asset Management standard as a benchmark, as well as the other ISO standards 9001 (quality), 14001 (Environmental) and 45001 (Safety).

Safe Systems of Work include process diagrams, procedures, instructions, forms for the following key areas:

Work Health and Safety
Management responsibilities and structure
Training and competency
Risk management
Safe work methods (SWMS)
Electrical work (HV and LV)
Site safety
Subcontractor management
Emergency response procedures

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HV & LV Operating Procedures
Electrical Safety Rules ensure employees and contractors working on or near electrical apparatus can operate safely and effectively.

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Asset Management & Maintenance Plans
We prepare Asset Management and Maintenance Plans to provide the roadmap for achieving value from critical assets by optimising cost, managing risk and performance across the asset lifecycle.

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Maintaining skills against a training matrix
Our L&D specialists can assist network, asset owners and their contractors to maintain compliance against a Training Matrix or Skill Set consistent with your Safe System of Work.

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Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Management Guideline

This Arc Flash Hazard Management Guideline is a consolidated guideline that incorporates the collective electric arc flash hazard knowledge and experience into an easy-to-read guideline that can be accessed and shared by in the Australian Energy Industry.
Supporting and detailed technical information has been provided in several annexes to assist the development and implementation of Energy Industry organisations’ specific arc flash hazard management systems.

RelyOn Australia was retained to lead the drafting of this important guideline and contribution was provided by a cross section of Electricity generation industry practitioners and professionals and is endorsed by the Australian Energy Council (AEC). The contribution of AGL Macquarie, Alinta Energy, Synergy, Delta Electricity, Stanwell, CS Energy, Hydro Tasmania, Snowy Hydro, Origin Energy, ENGIE, HIESN and Palisade Asset Management is much appreciated.

Energy Council Guidelines (pdf)

Case studyWind Farms seeking arc flash calculations for safe operating
Our electrical engineers and protection experts are providing detailed calcualtions for hazard management across Australian wind farms.

Energy Council Guidelines (pdf)

Arc Flash Training
We have expertise in delivering competency consulting across the ESI from line workers to control room operators working in complex and high consequence environments.

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Arc Flash Calculations & Consultancy
A straight forward approach to helping you on the way to implementing a best practice training system.

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HV Installation Safety Management Plans

We develop HV Installation Safety Management Plans (ISMP) detailing safety installation processes for solar and wind generation sites connecting to electricity networks.
These Plans provide an overview of the generator’s arrangements for ensuring safety and ensuring environmental, reliability and technical standards are established and complied with to ensure that all work is performed safely, and all work meets current industry rules and standards.

These may include process diagrams, procedures, instructions, forms for the following key areas:
These Plans are prepared in accordance with legislation and regulation applicable to distribution and transmission network service providers, industry standards, the specific network’s relevant internal policies, procedures and standards
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Electrical Safety Rules
We prepare (and audit) Electrical Safe Access Rules and Procedures for high and low voltage plant across networks, power stations, utilities, mines and HV customers.

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Safe Systems of Work
We create Safe Systems of Work including procedures and processes to first eliminate, then minimise the hazards and risks in your workplace operations. Documents are aligned to ISO standards as a benchmark.

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Arc Flash Consultancy
Arc flash calculations, reports and recommendations for generation and infrastructure assets such as turbines, collector groups and balance of plant.

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Asset Management and Maintenance Plans

We prepare Asset Management and Maintenance Plans for renewable generation assets and their Balance of Plant. 
These documents outline the minimum HV asset maintenance (preventive and predictive) required for Balance of Plant. 
These Plans provide the roadmap for achieving value from critical assets by optimising cost, managing risk and performance across the asset lifecycle.

Example maintenance procedures include:

Oil samples
Insulation and insulation resistance testing (Meggar)
Conductors and contact resistance testing (Ductor)
Substation batteries
Visual inspections
Circuit breaker maintenance
Transformer maintenance.

We prepare and instruct site teams to work to agreed maintenance work instructions.
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Case StudyBOP Maintenance Plan for Worley’s Crowlands Wind Farm
Creating a framework to optimise cost, manage risk & underwrite asset reliability & performance of high voltage balance of plant at Crowlands Wind Farm. 

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Safe Systems of Work 
Our Safe Systems of Work include the procedures and processes you should have in place to first eliminate, then minimise the hazards and risks in your workplace operations.

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Emergency Response Plans & Training
We develop Emergency Response plans to enable your workers to respond effectively to a site based emergency. 

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