
Arc Flash Consultancy

RelyOn Australia prepares arc flash calculations, reports and recommendations for generation and infrastructure assets such as turbines, collector groups and balance of plant.
Our aim is to provide practical and actionable advice that maximises a safe operating environment and work practices. Arc flash calculations are prepared for the primary power components and primary switching locations. Our engineers utilise the ETAP Arc Flash Analysis software to perform the assessment of arc flash hazards and incident analysis. 
We work with our clients to consider critical factors including system power distribution configuration, plant operating modes, protective equipment selection and settings, working distances, PPE, work practices and training.

Our Arc Flash services are delivered by an experienced team of electrical, power system and protection engineers. Our clients own and manage portfolios of generation and infrastructure assets across Australia.  
RelyOn Australia was also the lead author of the Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Management Guideline which was published by the Australian Energy Council.

Industry Guideline Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Management

Arc Flash Training Services

Our Arc Flash Awareness training provides a broad understanding of arc flash and the hazards associated with it. Our courses can be tailored toyour specific site and audience. Programs draw on case studies and provide practical approaches to the development of Arc flash risk management strategies.
Typical topics include:

Understanding arc flash
Regulatory context and international standards
Arc flash - human effects
Characteristics of an arc
Common causes of arc flash
Arc flash protection boundary
Case study analysis

Why conduct arc flash analysis
Arc flash calculations and analysis
Hierarchy of control
Reducing arc flash hazard
Arc flash risk mitigation
Appropriate levels of PPE

See our Electrical Training page for more information.
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Arc Flash Coursesfor Awareness and for Engineers
Our Arc Flash Courses can be contextualised for your company and meet the needs of staff, contractors and engineers. We seek to provide practical approaches to understanding the hazards and developing risk management strategies.

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Industry GuidelineElectrical Arc Flash Hazard Management
RelyOn Australia was the lead author of this Industry Guideline. It provides valuable information on effective hazard management process and a set of recommended practices appropriate to the Australian context.

Energy Council Guidelines (pdf)

Case StudyAGL Liddell Power Station
After two workers at AGL Energy’s Liddell Power Station were injured following a serious arc flash incident, AGL implemented a number of initiatives including an education campaign for the Station's workforce on the critial risks existing within their operating environment.

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Electrical Safety Rules & Operating Procedures

We develop Electrical Safety Rules and High Voltage and Low Voltage Operating Procedures to ensure employees and contractors working on or near electrical apparatus can operate safely and effectively.
Our HV professionals and electrical engineers have extensive experience across renewable and thermal generation, transmission, distribution and rail networks, HV operations, control rooms and the powergrid interface.
We design and prepare Electrical Safe Access Rules and Procedures for high and low voltage plants across networks, power stations, utilities, mines and HV customers.
Our experts also provide an audit service to test compliance against regulations.

Procedures are prepared to be consistent with:

Government Regulations and Codes of Practice
Network Utility Connection Guidelines for High Voltage Connections and Embedded Generators
Company operational procedures, including Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) procedures
Company installed equipment and manufacturers manuals
Industry best practice.

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Case Studies

Case StudyTransmission Network - Safe Access
We collaborated with ElectraNet to launch a new Switching Manual to provide practical detail on the boundaries, interfaces, coordination requirements and safety principles to be observed when operating or accessing ElectraNet’s High Voltage apparatus.

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Case StudyWind Farms - Electrical Safety Management
As a manager of a large portfolio of wind farms across the country, Vestas Australia sought an Electrical Safety Management System that could provide consistency for all sites as well as address the compliance requirements for all Federal, State and Territory levels, and its international enterprise standards.

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Case StudyToll’s HV safe access procedures for new ship to shore HV connection
Following their new ship to shore HV connection equipment, Toll commissioned RelyOn Australia to develop high voltage safe access procedures to be compliant with two state jurisdictions and assist Toll's marine engineers to gain a solid understanding of the safe operating processes.

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Switching Instructions

Our Switching Instruction consulting services are performed by our skilled HV practitioners who are knowledgeable, flexible and committed to the safety of everyone who works with HV equipment and electrical networks. They understand how to assess hazards, determine and evaluate risks and implement safety protections to operate safely, for themselves, their work party and the network.

Our team develop libraries of switching instructions for routine switching, faults and ad-hoc switching as required.
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Switching Instruction Training
This Course will guide participants in the preparation of Switching instructions based on actual requirements for your Site. The program can incorporate the necessary mapping for the issuance of the nationally accredited Unit of Competency - UEPOPS428 - Develop H.V. switching programs
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High Voltage Operator Training
RelyOn Australia is an industry leader in the provision of tailored training for high voltage operations across the electricity supply and rail industries.

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HV Operating Authority Service
RelyOn Australia can provide short term coverage of roles to support and mentor your staff when implementating operational procedures for Electrical Apparatus.

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Asset Management Plans & Maintenance Procedures

Our Subject Matter Experts and engineers have extensive experience in developing management plans and maintenance procedures.
These documents outline the minimum HV asset maintenance (preventive and predictive) required for Balance of Plant. 
The plans ensure compliance with AEMO and energy regulators and reduce the risk of asset failure, an thus generation potential.
Our Team members have held key and senior roles across network service providers and asset owners and bring a wealth of experience to consulting assignments.

Example maintenance procedures include:

Oil samples
Insulation and insulation resistance testing (Meggar)
Conductors and contact resistance testing (Ductor)
Substation batteries
Visual inspections
Circuit breaker maintenance
Transformer maintenance.

We prepare and instruct site teams to work to agreed maintenance work instructions.
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Case Studies

Case StudyBOP Maintenance Plan for Worley’s Crowlands Wind Farm
Creating a framework to optimise cost, manage risk & underwrite asset reliability & performance of high voltage balance of plant at Crowlands Wind Farm. 

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Case StudyIncident investigation to determine cause of wind turbine electrical plant failure
Following a significant equipment failure of a wind turbine, RelyOn Australia’s electrical engineering expertise was retained to undertake a root cause analysis of the failure.

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Case StudyAudit for HV Site Safe Access
Palisade appointed RelyOn Australia to develop audit tools to benchmark and ensure a uniform safe system of work across all its renewable sites to control the risks associated with work on, near, or in the vicinity of, High Voltage electrical apparatus.

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