Recipient in Charge


This course is designed to train individuals who are required to hold a current certificate for the specified work. This course has been tailored based on industry best-practice and to be in accordance with the relevant standards and legislations. The course will be delivered by an experienced industry professional, bringing a depth of knowledge and experience to the learner.

This course provides the learners the required skills and knowledge in the application of electricity supply industry (ESI) safety rules and codes of practice for work on or near electrical apparatus. The course also covers relevant procedures to gain access for work on or near electrical network infrastructure in the context of transmission, distribution or rail work functions. It encompasses responsibilities for safety and risk management processes at all operative levels and adherence to safety practices as part of the normal way of doing work. Additionally, the training also requires the learner to apply knowledge and skills to act as the permit holder, to have responsibility for a work site, the work parties under the authority, to understand and comply safely with the Permit to Work process specific to the site, and regulating authority requirements. Learners will also apply knowledge and skills to work safely up to the defined safe approach distance (SAD) near energised electrical apparatus, including electrical powerlines, for electrical workers.

Units of Competency

UETDRMP001Apply access authority procedures to work on or near electrical apparatusCurrent
UETDRMP002ESI safety rules for work on, near or in the vicinity of electrical apparatusCurrent

Course aim

The course is designed to provide the participant with the knowledge and skills to enable them to safely act as a Permit Holder (Recipient in Charge) of an Access Authority and to have responsibility for a work site, enabling them to:

  • Receive Work Authorities to work near/on the live electrical apparatus
  • Be in control of the work area covered by the Authority

Target learner group

The target learners for this course are employees currently working within the Australian Electricity Supply Industry. This includes employees of network asset owners, contractors and sub-contractors in electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution.

Those who work on the network must maintain currency of skills and competency in a range of safety and technical competencies. Relevant safety related training programs are often mandated by regulation or industry agreements and documented in state codes of practice.

Most learners will be licensed and trade qualified or hold a Certificate in a related technical discipline. In addition to trade qualifications, the learner groups will have completed a range of electrical and plant safety related training programs related to the roles they hold. Due to the significant safety risks in the industry these employees work within highly proceduralised workplaces with mature workplace safety systems.

Workers in the industry are required to regularly complete workplace safety risk assessment and work planning documentation, and therefore bring a solid foundational understanding of risk assessment and workplace safety documentation concepts and practices to the program.

Learning activities

Delivery includes:

  • Trainer led classroom presentations / Self-paced online theory presentations
  • Theory assessment
  • Onsite practical exercises and assessment / Virtual practical exercises and assessment

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, a participant will have developed an understanding of the following:

  • Understand the legislative framework that governs work activities
  • Understand and Identify the correct regulations and enterprise procedures
  • Correctly complete authority/work permits as a Permit Holder as per enterprise procedures
  • Understand procedures for cancellation or suspension of an authority/work permit
  • Understand and Identify Isolation as per enterprise procedures
  • Understand and Identify hazards associated with the relevant work site.
  • Confirmation of the principles of electricity
  • Recognition of voltage systems
  • Identification of low voltage aerial circuits
  • Hazard and risk assessment procedure
  • Applying hazard identification in electrical work
  • Risk assessment and management controls
  • Procedures in the event of an incident


UETDRMP002 *ESI safety rules for work on, near or in the vicinity of electrical apparatusCurrent
* Prerequisite is included in this course.


2 days


Contact our Office for details on 1300 15 66 85 or email us on

Equipment & PPE

Learners are required to have the following to participate in this course:

  • Stationary (e.g. Pen, Pencil, etc.)
  • Personal Electronic device to access online course material (E.g. Laptop, Tablet)

Assessment approach

Learners will be assessed using a combination of the following methods:

  • Theory/Written Assessment (e.g. Short Answer Questions, Multiple Choice, Verbal Questioning Interview)
  • Test/Quiz (e.g. LMS Quiz, Written Quiz)
  • Report/Essay (e.g. Case Study Simulated Scenario)

Course Entry Requirements

To participate in this course, learners are required to:

  • be literate in spoken English and competent in reading, writing, and numeracy.
  • be sufficiently fit to participate.

Accreditation Status

Nationally recognised training.
Upon successful completion, learners will receive a statement of attainment.

Further information about your rights and obligations:

Contact Us

Call RelyOn Australia to discuss your training requirements.

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00 EST.

1300 15 66 85


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