Training, Advisory & Compliance Specialists
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Improving Learner Engagement through innovation and industry collaboration

Learning Design & Content Development

RelyOn Australia announces government funded Global Wind Organisation (GWO) training places in New South Wales
RelyOn Australia is proud to announce that the GWO Basic Safety Training skillset for workers within the wind generation sector will be delivered under subsidised arrangements by the NSW Skilling for Recovery program, for a limited time only. 
Through this initiative the cost of the National Units of Competency are funded for NSW residents, with the only out of pocket expenses being for certification with GWO. 
Please contact our office for further details or book your place in a NSW Government Subsidised GWO Initial or Refresher course here.

Skill Sets - for Competency and Compliance

Our L&D specialists work with industry Subject Matter Experts and clients to develop skill sets specific to a workplace need. We can work to the following criteria:

Nationally Recognised Training – the skill sets can be built using nationally recognised units of competency appropriate to the skills required.
Standards, Regulations - we can incorporate electrical standards such as the European EN50110 or the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70E – Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace”
Customised – the skill sets can be customised to meet client specific requirements
Best practice - reflective of our decades of practical industry experience

Our services include traditional paper based courseware, as well as digital content and assessment tools for online and virtual experiences. We can host and manage your programs or upload to your Learning Management System.

To manage your workers' training progress against your Skills Sets, we provide access to our Learning Management System called The Bridge. This platform enables the client administrator to:

Manage – individual training attendance and certificates of skill sets are managed in our learning management system The Bridge.
Report – reports on skill sets ensure workforce compliance and manage training needs.
Administor - enables a company to build on template skill sets to manage specific-to-client grouping of skills.

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Case Studies & Services

ServiceElectrical, Basic Safety and Rescue Training Skill Sets for the Wind Energy Industry
We work with the wind energy sector to develop Skill Sets and deliver this training on Sites and at approved locations across Australia.

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ServiceSkill Set courseware for the Victorian & NSW Electricity Supply Industry
We deliver Initial and Refresher training requirements for workers within the (VESI) and for Accredited Service Providers who undertake contestable works on distribution networks in NSW.  

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Case StudyDeveloping training programs to meet the evolving Skill Sets required to work for Metro Trains Melbourne
An agile partnership to develop and maintain skills for workers constructing, operating and maintaining the MTM suburban rail network. 

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Competency Frameworks

RelyOn Australia can assist clients in the building of competency frameworks.Our Learning and Development specialists work in consultation to develop detailed frameworks including job role mapping and industry benchmarks that best fit and future proof the organisation. We have developed a competency lifecycle model to assist clients to implement more holistic approaches to identifying and delivering training and competency needs.
Our Competency Frameworks are designed to enable:

Measurement of Performance – the framework serves as a documented and clear measure of expected performance against which competence can be identified and assessed.

Flexibility – we can help you set, implement, and get the most out of the competency standards that most effectively support your business. This includes benchmarking against nationally recognised units of competency and qualifications, regulations and industry standards, and internal company focused key performance requirements.
Management – individual progress through a framework can be tracked and where required Statements of Attainment or Certification for non-accredited requirements can be incorporated.
Reporting – reports on progress to ensure workforce compliance and achieving training needs
Administrator functions - enabling a company to manage and track their staff is also available via our Learning Management System, The Bridge. 

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Case Studies

Case StudyCompetency Management
Creating a consistent, professional training system that keeps people safe and helps them do their jobs well. Drawing on Competency Standards as a key foundational piece for the effective management of skills and a measurement of expected performance against competence.

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Case StudyEvo Energy – Electrical Worker Competency Framework Review
A revised electrical worker competency framework that Evo Energy can use for staff development, and to further attract and retain high-quality staff who hold roles as a Cable Jointer, Electrical Fitter, Protection Technician, Zone Substation Fitter and Lineworker.

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Case studyAuspice with AGL Energy to enable AGL staff to receive formal national qualifications
We provided a detailed practical understanding of the National Generation training package and expertise in the management of competency frameworks and power station RPL.

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RelyOn Australia works with our corporate clients to provide workers with flexible and tailored pathways to achieve a range of qualifications from two industry training packages:

UEP - Electricity Supply Industry – Generation Sector Training Package
UET - Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector Training Package

Our qualification programs may include a combination of

Instructor led training - involving classroom theory, practical activities and workshops
Electrical Theory School - providing self paced online learning, supported by Instructors via virtual classrooms 
On the job training, involving supervised practical activities and customised log books (eLogBooks) 
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Our qualification programs reflect our decades of practical industry experience, and seek to 

Build competence through mentoring and quality on-the-job experiences during the programs;
Drive quality and consistency in training delivery with distinct and measurable outcomes; and
Maintain and develop relationships within industry to improve learner experience and skills acquisition.

Programs may be delivered in partnership with our client’s in-house training teams. Visit our Auspice Services page for further information.
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Combining our ESI learning design and delivery expertise with industry collaboration to provide practical and sustainable Apprenticeship programs for young entrants and experienced adults across the ESI streams of rail, transmission and cable jointing.

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Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) Qualifications
RelyOn Australia collaborates with the Rail, Transmission and Distribution industry to offer essential qualifications to lineworkers and cable jointers.

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Generation sector qualifications
Certificate III, IV and Diploma level qualifications for the operation of power generation plant, equipment and process.

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At RelyOn Australia, our instructional designers have the capability to improve existing client materials by adding resources to their training products or design resources to support a course from the ground up. We can supply a wide range of training course resources:

Student Guides – develop student guides for a specific course and deploy it electronically, paper-based or both depending on a clients needs.

Student GuidesStudent guides provide information that reinforces the learning outcomes, objectives and teaching points of the relevant course of study. They can also include additional technical information and reference details including diagrams, drawings and images. Electronic versions can also host digital assets such as video and animation that support the student comprehending a process or technology. Student guides can also be customised to reference relevant business centric policies, procedures and processes.

Course Handouts – develop handouts for one-off use during course delivery or templates that a client can re-use as courses are conducted.

Course HandoutsCourse handouts are designed to reinforce learning and engage students through interactive tasks and note taking. They can be designed so that each section of the handout can relate directly to a module of the course that has an exercise the student does to reinforce learning. They can also enable the student to follow the structure and flow of the course and take notes against all or some of the topic areas. Students may keep the handout as their personal reference.

Assessor Guides – build assessor guides to ensure the rules of evidence and principles of assessment are effectively and consistently applied to training programs. 

Assessor GuidesAssessor guides provide relevant information for assessors in the conduct of assessments for individual skills and knowledge against a single course or cover a curriculum more broadly. Assessor guides assist the individual assessors to consistently apply the principles of assessment (Fairness, Flexibility, Validity and Reliability) and the rules of evidence (Validity, Sufficiency, Authenticity, and Currency) when conducting the assessment. 
They can also provide guidance for the conduct of the assessment relevant to the workplace or classroom conditions that are used. Assessor guides are also a key tool in ensuring assessment processes meet regulatory requirements and for nationally recognised units to be compliant.


Assessment Forms – build assessment instruments to ensure effective and accurate assessment that collects sufficient evidence for client training programs. 

Assessment FormsAssessment instruments can take many different forms with each one designed to meet the required performance standards and assessment conditions that enable the assessor to make a decision on the competency of an individual.
The assessment forms may be written theory examinations, verbal questioning instruction, a practical observation checklist, a project or task instruction with defined specifications, a scenario based playette with defined outcomes, and many more. The assessment instrument is technically designed to map back to all of the course objectives, allow assessors to record outcomes, provide feedback to candidates, and to be evidence of the assessment decision.

Presentations – design and develop presentation materials based on a client brief for training delivery, information briefs or marketing.

PresentationsThomson Bridge has a large array of skills and expertise from technical and industry knowledge to instructional and graphic design that can be used to assist in the development of high quality, targeted and effective presentation materials. Whether it is presentation materials for the delivery of a course or briefing or posters to reinforce teaching points in the workplace and everything in-between we can assist you.

Digital content - Video, annimation, 3D modles, illustrations and powergrid simulation - click here for digital resources. 

All resources can be delivered in electronic or paper-based formats.
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Case Studies

Case StudyLight Rail Training Resources for skills, safety & compliance
Fit for purpose materials meeting the compliance & safety requirements of Yarra Trams, Rail Safety National Law and Victorian Traction Industry Electrical Safety Rules 

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Case Study Incorporating video as an agile learning resource to reinforce safety and skills learning
Our Video Production team and Network Subject Matter Experts are developing a video library for Network control rooms, Generators and HV Customers.

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Case Study Developing resources for a state-wide transmission Asset Access program
When ElectraNet introduced its new Transmission Safe Access protocols, RelyOn Australia was retained to develop the resources for a state-wide program to train workers that are authorised to provide construction and maintenance services to the South Australian transmission network owner.

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